竞争入学 | 物理治疗博士

在卡罗尔完成60个或更多本科学位学分并将获得或已经获得卡罗尔学士学位的有竞争力的申请人在考虑该计划的专业阶段时会优先考虑数学. The DPT program may be completed in as little as six total years of study. 竞争录取的学生在威尼斯游戏大厅的大三和/或大四期间申请DPT课程的专业阶段.

卡罗尔的 学前健康专业课程 offers guided education planning for admission to the DPT program. 规划是基于国家数据,包括确定DPT方案的选择, selecting an appropriate undergraduate major and prerequisite courses, and GRE exam and DPT application preparation.

竞争录取学生包括未被直接录取的高中生, undergraduate transfer students, 卡罗尔校友, and direct admission students who did not progress within their cohort. 有竞争力的学生必须遵循他们申请的录取周期的研究生目录中概述的专业阶段录取过程说明.

The number of competitive admission seats vary from year to year. 


Competitive students may apply in the junior year if pursing a 3+3 program, 或者大四, 或者作为一名校友.

Applications for the fall term open July 1st. The priority deadline is November 1st. No applications will be accepted after January 16th.

步骤1: 提交 研究生申请

步骤2: 提交申请后,在申请状态门户网站内填写并提交以下内容:

  1. 临床经验文件 - 需要在至少两个独特的环境中进行至少16小时的验证观测. Practice settings include inpatient acute care, inpatient rehab/sub-acute rehab facility, nursing home facility/extended care, outpatient free-standing PT or hospital clinic, 学校/学前, 工业/职业健康, 或者家庭健康.
  2. 三个专业推荐信 - Examples could include a college instructor, healthcare professional, supervisor, etc. A submission link will be sent to your reference once you enter contact information within your application.
  3. 个人陈述 - Describe a meaningful experience in your life. Reflect on how that experience influenced your personal growth, such as your attitudes or perceptions.
  4. 重新开始
  5. 健康科学声明- Found within the application status portal.
  6. Safety and Technical Standards Form - Found within the application status portal.

步骤3: 提交 GRE官方记录 to 威尼斯游戏大厅 (School Code 1101, Dept. 代码0619)

步骤4: 通过注册办公室提交毕业申请,以提示学位审核. Review the audit to ensure all degree, general education and support course requirements are completed. CCS400 can be completed during year 1 of the professional phase. 4-6周的处理时间.


  • 累积绩点3.2或更高(4).0规模) 
  • *Pre-Professional GPA为3.2或更高(4).0规模)
  • Pre-professional courses may be taken at any accredited University or college, 包括两年制大学, 和技术学校. A grade of “C” or higher is required for each pre-professional course. Advanced placement credits may fulfill prerequisites.
  • 专业预科科学课程必须在入学后的七年内完成.
  • Biology, chemistry and physics prerequisites must be taken in a complete sequence, i.e. Anatomy and Physiology I with lab and Anatomy and Physiology II with lab.
  • A maximum of one pre-professional course may be repeated for a higher grade.
  • 如果一门课程是重复的,DPT项目使用专业预科理科GPA计算中的最后一个分数.
  • 在申请时,不超过一门专业预科课程是优秀的. All coursework must be complete by the end of the spring term. Pending courses completed in the fall term will be included in GPA calculations.
  • 标有星号的课程用于计算专业预科理科GPA(参见威尼斯游戏大厅目录中的课程描述)。.
    • *生物
      • 两个学期解剖学和生理学带实验室或2个普通生物学带实验室(相当于卡罗尔的:ANP130和ANP140或BIO120和BIO125)
    • *化学
      • 两个学期的普通化学或大学化学带实验室(相当于卡罗尔的:CHE101和CHE102或CHE109和CHE110)
    • *物理
      • 两个学期带实验室的普通物理(相当于卡罗尔的:PHY101和PHY102或PHY203和PHY204)
    • *心理
      • One semester (equivalent to 卡罗尔的: PSY101 and above). Up to one additional psychology course, 在200级或更高, will be included in the pre-professional GPA calculation if completed.
    • 统计数据
      • DPT项目入学所需的一个学期统计数据(相当于卡罗尔的:CMP112或CMP114)
      • You may be required to take multiple semesters depending on your major
      • Not included in the preprofessional GPA calculation
      • Pre-PT工商管理/医疗保健管理专业的学生可以用CMP114代替BUS114



CPR certification will be required by the third semester of the Program. 该计划将在DPT计划的第二或第三学期提供心肺复苏术培训选择.
一些学生可能会选择在进入课程之前成为或已经获得认证. 如果学生选择在进入课程之前完成心肺复苏术,以下是心肺复苏术认证指南.
The CPR certification must be through the American Heart Association. Certifications must include CPR and AED for adults and pediatrics, including 2-person rescuer and bag valve mask. Courses must include completing in-person skills checks. 批准的课程:

  • American Heart Association BLS for the HealthCare Provider
  • A more rigorous certification course, 如EMT或OEM, may be approved at the Program's discretion.
  • 学生有责任在整个课程中保持证书的有效性.


临床经验所需的医学文件将在DPT课程的第一年进行讨论. 教师将讨论接种疫苗的时间,以帮助学生减少不必要的费用或医疗保健访问.
免疫证明和其他所需表格的副本将被上传并存储在Exxat数据库中. 学生应保留原始的验证文件以备个人记录,不应将原始文件交给网站或项目. The student is responsible for the cost of any required lab tests, x射线, 免疫接种, 或临床机构要求的任何其他医学检查,除非另有说明.

Program required 免疫接种 (based on CDC recommendations):

  • MMR
  • 乙型肝炎疫苗/知情减量(减量表可在威尼斯游戏大厅学生健康中心获得)
  • Varicella immunization or titer
  • 破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗
  • Annual Flu Shot (to be completed each fall)
  • Annual TB skin test (details below)
  • Other 免疫接种 may be required.
  • To participate in your clinical education experiences, you will need to comply with the host site policies. 学生们将与项目的临床协调员一起工作,提供疫苗接种状态的证据.
  • *所有学生都将参加校内患者护理体验,并将被要求遵守威尼斯游戏大厅健康科学学院的疫苗接种政策,包括COVID-19.
根据DPT计划政策, 学生豁免免疫要求将视具体情况而定. If an exemption to the immunization requirements is approved, 大学不能保证其附属医院和诊所将允许学生参与病人护理, which is a fundamental requirement of the clinical education component of the Program. Some clinical sites may have limited medical or religious exemptions.

Caregiver Background and Criminal History Check

10月1日, 1998, 威斯康辛州, 卫生署, 和家庭服务部规定,所有寻求在护理人员行业就业和/或获得许可的人必须满足第50条中的护理人员和背景调查要求.威斯康星州法令第065条. Completing the background and criminal history check is a DPT Program requirement. 如果检查发现可能阻止学生参加项目活动的信息, 学生将被通知. When a background check identifies prior unlawful activity, 该计划不保证临床教育经验的安置或住宿. Results of the background check are shared with program constituencies as appropriate. Background checks are performed by Universal Background Screening.


Please contact Dave Buehler at 262-524-7359 or email ptinfo@rockmark.net.

欢迎考生安排一个单独的会议,讨论有关计划或申请过程的任何问题 这个链接.

初级物理治疗博士课程招收符合条件的学生,不分种族, color, 信条, 性, 年龄, 性取向, 国家或民族出身, 或不影响法律规定的专业物理治疗行为的残疾. 物理治疗项目的入学申请和证书必须提交给威尼斯游戏大厅招生办公室进行处理. Decisions are made on applications by selection committees in the program, and applicants are notified through the Office of Admission.
Admission and standards are subject to change based on regulatory, licensing and or certification needs.
