

发表日期: 10/18/2022

类别: 校友 F1RST杂志 大学新闻

Carroll President Cindy Gnadinger chats with a student at an outdoor event

A Q&答:与格纳丁格总统

7月1日, President Cindy Gnadinger celebrated her fifth anniversary as Carroll’s president – the university’s 15th. We recently caught up with her to discuss her first five years 和 to get a sneak peek into what we might expect in Carroll’s future.

你刚结束在卡罗的前五年. 你会用五个词来形容它吗?

只有五个字? 这有点难. I would characterize the past five years as exciting, engaging, eventful, endearing 和 enjoyable.


令人兴奋的. I was, 和 still am, excited to serve as Carroll’s first woman president. I love when other young women on campus share their enthusiasm with me about my presidency 和 discuss their future goals 和 dreams of shattering glass ceilings of their own. 我无法形容这有多值得!

引人入胜的. There is always something to do 和 something to be a part of at Carroll. 约翰(格纳丁格,她的丈夫)和我试图尽可能多地参与进来. 我们喜欢在搬家日帮忙, 为我们的学生玩宾果游戏,参加体育赛事, 教师/学生研究会议, 戏剧表演, 艺术表演和音乐会.

不平凡的. 我们的日程表从来没有这么满过. In addition to campus events, we travel the country to meet with alumni 和 friends of Carroll. It has been an absolute pleasure to meet our Pioneer friends 和 hear what makes Carroll special to them. 我还在多个地方和国家委员会任职, 这是提升卡罗名声的好方法. Of course, John 和 I also love to host events at the President’s house. It’s always a joy to share the beautiful President’s home with others.

可爱的. I have been fortunate to make deep endearing connections with so many people. Our alumni, employees 和 students describe Carroll as “a special place," 和 I couldn't agree more. 我很幸运能成为这所优秀学府的一份子.

令人愉快的. I think it’s obvious from my previous answers why I would choose the word enjoyable to describe the past five years!


很多事情对我来说都很突出. 当然, the day we dedicated the Main Dining Room (MDR) in honor of Gert (the late Gert Ullsperger) was a highlight. We did this while she was still working in the dining room 和 could enjoy it. 她的孩子们在这里, 许多校友回来和我们一起庆祝, 我们现在的学生, 教职员工都在这里, 还有各种媒体. It was everything beautiful 和 wonderful about Carroll; all rolled into one day! 但也有其他亮点, such as celebrating our 175th anniversary with Doris Kearns Goodwin's visit 和 getting the Civil War era musket back when we defeated Carthage College last year in the final football game of the season. The last time the musket was in our possession was 1996 – so that was quite special!

You established a strategic plan in your first year; how is that going?

我们的战略计划正在取得重大进展, 先锋驱动. 它围绕四个主要目标:加强教学 & 学习,丰富卡罗尔的经验,建设 & 利用伙伴关系,实现战略增长. 它是我们拥抱机遇的北极星, confront challenges 和 evolve our beloved institution to thrive in the future. 事实上, all of the decisions we make guiding this great university are grounded in one or more of those four goals.

What are one or two of your most significant accomplishments so far in your leadership?

That is a very difficult question to answer, as our team has done so much these past five years. I am extremely proud of our partnership with 沃基肖 Free Clinic to offer medical services to the underinsured 和 non-insured citizens of 沃基肖. It aligns with our mission, 和 our health science students get clinical experiences onsite. I couldn’t have been prouder to see what a difference our students 和 faculty were making in our community, 他们在诊所的工作, 在大流行的早期.

We welcomed the most diverse classes in Carroll's long history in the past three years. 这是有意努力的结果, creative partnerships 和 the hard work of our campus community to ensure our visitors know we respect 和 welcome all. We strive to create a campus community that is diverse in thought 和 where ideas can be debated 和 challenged in a healthy, 尊敬的方式. 我们在这个领域才刚刚起步, but I am pleased we have set goals 和 are working every day toward them as a community. 我们还增加了许多新的学术课程. They help maintain our financial strength 和 viability 和 strengthen our broader community. 我们增加了针对转行人士的教师教育项目, 为寻求护理学位的转行者提供类似的项目, 还有一个新项目 行为健康心理学 解决社会的心理健康需要. Not only are we securing Carroll’s future but caring for our regional needs too.


人民——毫无疑问! 我可以与我们聪明而充满活力的学生见面并交流, 这让我对未来充满希望. I also get to meet alumni 和 friends who care deeply for our university 和 give back generously to ensure our good work continues. I also have the privilege of working with creative, resourceful individuals each 和 every day. 教职员工对我们的学生非常忠诚. When something is needed to support the university, the response is overwhelming. 这次大流行证明了我们员工的适应能力有多强. 现在, 当我们在新环境中站稳脚跟时, 他们不断创新, 好奇的, 争强好胜、足智多谋——这些都是先驱者的特点!


Like most leaders, I must make difficult decisions that won’t always please everyone. 这是否与疫苗接种有关, 屏蔽或其他问题, 我们的很多决定, 尽管我们对审议过程给予了关注和照顾, 会导致人们对我们不满意吗. 公众在问题上分歧如此之大, we may offend some of the very people we are trying dutifully to serve. 这总是很困难的.


我对卡罗抱有很多希望. 我们是一所走在积极轨道上的健康大学. 

我们刚刚结束了175周年的庆祝活动. What began as Carroll College is now 威尼斯游戏大厅, with four colleges 和 schools: 文理学院s, 健康科学学院, 商学院教育与人类服务学院

我们很幸运能保持强劲的本科招生, 我们的研究生入学人数继续增长, 这是许多同行机构不能说的. 来满足我们不断增长的学生群体, we have exp和ed our physical footprint by purchasing buildings 和 l和 contiguous to campus. These new spaces will allow us to continue adding new programs to meet community needs. And thanks to our generous donors, we have made great strides in growing the endowment.

I am also excited about the future of our School of Business – an academic area where we have experienced significant growth. Some of our past business alumni are helping shape our school’s future direction, 我们已经准备好成为商业领域的行业领导者. 现在在卡罗尔学习商科绝对是一个激动人心的时刻!

还有很多事情要做, but it’s an honor to help usher our beloved Carroll toward her bicentennial. I can’t wait to see what we will have accomplished together when she reaches 200!

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