
作者: 曼尼·埃尔南德斯,18岁

发表日期: 5/27/2018

类别: 艺术 F1RST杂志 2018年第一届夏季 教职员工 学生

艺术s Program Creates 校园-Sized Portrait of Humanity


Saskia de Rooy, a renowned Dutch sculptor, has been sculpting the human face for more than 20 years. She has traveled to many parts of the globe, meeting hundreds of people; each having their own story to tell. Saskia brings their stories to life through these clay sculptures. 

艺术 has been a channel for people to build relationships for centuries. For de Rooy, every portrait she’s sculpted has blossomed into a new relationship. In the two hours that it takes her to create her masterpieces, de Rooy is able to examine what touches her subjects, 是什么打动了他们, 什么能让他们快乐, what they dream of and what they pursue. The relationships she’s been able to build inspired her to begin teaching on a national and international level, hoping to demonstrate that art has the ability to bring people together. 

刚刚过去的这个夏天, de Rooy caught the attention of Carroll administrators, who invited her to visit campus to be the artist in residence for the 2017–18 school year. With support from the Mary Nohl Fund of the Greater Milwaukee Foundation, de Rooy launched her year-long interdisciplinary initiative, 一幅肖像画, focused on demonstrating how art can help us build community at Carroll. On campus, the project was facilitated by the 艺术部门

The first phase of the project began in late September, when five members of the Carroll community served as models for de Rooy: 辛迪·格纳丁格总统教授, Piatt乔, students Jeffrey (JJ) Keels and SuYi Lynn, and our very own Gert Ullsperger. For five days, de Rooy spent several hours in the lobby of the 校园中心 sculpting the face of each model; the next day, that same piece of clay was crushed and then used to create a new portrait. The reworking of the project was meant to emphasize our humanity despite our differences—and that we are all the same inside. 

就像她过去的肖像项目一样, de Rooy was able to form five new relationships, driving home the goal of the project to the campus community. She wanted everyone to realize that “we’re only here (on earth) for a short period of time so it’s really worth it to take the take the time to listen to each other because it reveals a great deal more about a person than you anticipate at the first encounter.” 

De Rooy returned this past January to help launch the second phase of the project, which involved handing over the modeling tools to students and giving them a first-hand look at how art can facilitate a stronger sense of community. 

无论你是现在的学生, alumnus or a Carroll community member, you’re probably connected the most with the people who share similar interests as you—it’s just human nature. We tend to shy away from leaving our own comfort zones to meet new people because the idea of walking up to complete strangers and getting to know them is pretty frightening. But that’s more or less what the second phase of the project required.

This phase of the project brought together 100 students, 14个学院, 14 staff and four community members to act as either an artist (sculptor or painter), 模特或作家. It’s worth noting that a vast majority of the participants are not art majors. Participants were instead nominated by their peers.

De Rooy hoped that since modeling is an intimate process, the fear of getting to know a stranger would be eliminated and the artist and model would naturally build a connection. That connection would then extend to the writer interviewing the model. 四月底, when de Rooy was to return to campus for a week-long exhibition, the participants should have gotten to know at least two new people.

贝瑟妮·凯利,还有 小学教育 student, took full advantage of the opportunity to break out of her shell. “Being able to meet the artist and writer was a great experience. I definitely jumped out of my comfort zone while being a part of this project. Sitting with a complete stranger while they painted me and sharing difficult pieces of my life with a writer are experiences I hadn’t had before but I’m glad I was a part of it.” 

展览持续了一个星期, 但德鲁伊希望这种联系, forged during interviews and modeling sessions live on long after the paint has dried and the clay gone to dust.

two female students working on sculptures

a male student working on his sculpture

a female student laughing while working on a sculpture

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