
专业: 政治科学专业写作
未成年人: 企业营销沟通


I became interested in political science when I took a media studies class in my first year of high school. The course taught me to think critically about current affairs 和 educated me on topics that I previously thought were for adults only. This educational foundation led me to consume a lot of political satire, philosophy, books 和 film. These personal interests continue to fuel my passion for this major. 


Oddly enough, I don’t have one set career goal besides finding an emotionally fulfilling job. I knew when I chose this major that I had no desire to become a politician because of all the drama involved. 而不是, my love of political science led to an interest in public relations, so I added additional courses to complement my major. Now I have a whole list of career options that pertain to my educational experience like campaign management, 与非营利组织合作, 演讲写作或商务写作, 游说, 市场营销公共关系等. The most important thing is that I have an open mind 和 an appetite for knowledge.

How has what you’ve learned prepared you for your future?  

My political science education gave me a deeper underst和ing of America’s philosophical foundation. That knowledge provides context to nearly every issue in current affairs 和 will never lose its applicability. 此外, taking on general college responsibilities like in-depth group projects 和 professional presentations has shaped me into a better, 更专业的自己.

Have you had opportunities to work closely with Carroll faculty?

I’ve been lucky to develop friendly relationships with many of my professors during my time at Carroll. My main advisor also teaches the majority of my political science courses, so I’ve managed to take a course with her for just about every semester. This allowed me to become more comfortable in class 和 share my interests with my professor. 反过来, she was able to underst和 what I was passionate about, 我的优点和缺点是什么, 以及我的思考过程是怎样的. This allowed us to easily collaborate on larger projects like my capstone paper, 结合了我对政治小说的热爱, 反乌托邦科幻小说和女权主义. 当我即将结束我的大学生涯时, I’m grateful to have felt truly seen 和 supported by Carroll’s faculty. I’ve always felt like I could be myself in class.  

What is the most memorable experience you’ve had in your education at Carroll?

By far the most critical lessons I’ve learned during my time at Carroll came from the 跨文化课程. My introductory CCE course involved the impact of culture on politics 和 religion. It truly widened my perspective on how 和 why people think the way they do. I learned to appreciate the concepts of cultural relativity 和 intersectionality, which has been applicable to nearly everything that I have studied. I also have countless memories of the engaging discussions 和 activities that I took part in during my classes. It’s hard to choose just one good memory, but the debate my 英语 班级参加了, which involved me 和 the other students assuming the stances of ancient rhetoricians 和 dissing each other in a rap battle, 真是太棒了.


I’ve discovered that the benefit of a strongly-rooted liberal arts education is not to merely add a couple of impressive lines to a résumé. 而不是, my college education has molded my core way of thinking 和 guided me into a new sense of maturity. You don’t really realize how much you have grown as a person until you truly compare your past 和 present self. While the idea of graduating 和 working in a job with more seasoned professionals is definitely daunting, I feel significantly more prepared than I did as a first-year.

What would you say to someone considering political science?

There’s so much more you can do with a political science degree than just being a politician! You don’t necessarily have to work in Washington, D.C.,如果你不喜欢的话. 你可以学习法律, use your degree in business 和 management positions, 在不同的领域修双主修或辅修. Since politics affects nearly every aspect of life, it’s wise to consider educating yourself on political science along with your other interests. 

How has 金融援助 made a difference in your life?

I certainly wouldn’t have been able to attend Carroll for as long as I did without their 金融援助 程序. The merit scholarship they provided me lowered the cost of tuition to that of a public university. 用我们家多存的钱, we didn’t have to stress significantly over student loans 和 I was able to afford my study abroad trip in France for my 跨文化经验


我一直很喜欢做作业 图书馆的咖啡馆, which also offered a nice chance to socialize with friends. I particularly liked to study in the nooks on the second floor of the reading room’s mezzanine. Something about those little tucked away spaces helped to clear my mind. 话虽如此, the absolute best place to do any type of studying is Main Lawn when the weather is nice. There’s a bench right underneath a tree that’s adjacent to the library patio, 和 it is my favorite place to study on a lovely day. What could be better than reading under a tree on a gorgeous campus? 


